Have a question? Below you will find information and resources to find the answer! If you still have questions, please contact the office at office@sherwoodcharterschool.org.
A school events calendar is available online here: SCS School Events Calendar. Please continue to check this throughout the year as updates are made frequently. The 2024-2025 Academic Calendar (with holiday closures, staff development days, etc.) is available to download here. The 2025-2026 Academic Calendar is available to download here.
Here’s a brief overview of yearly events held at SCS:
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, other events may take place during the year and dates may change. Please check the online calendar for the most current information.
- Meet and Greet – Late August/Early September
- Back to School Night – Mid September
- Middle School Science Fair – January (Held every 2 years)
- Winter Lottery – February (For kindergarten only)
- HEART Week – Week of Valentine’s Day
- Spring Lottery – Mid April (for all grades)
- Celebration of Learning – Mid April
- State Testing – Throughout April and May
- 8th Grade Graduation – June
- Kindergarten Graduation – Last day of school in June
- 5th Grade Graduation – Last day of school in June
- Stepping Stones – Last day of school in June
- Summer Lottery – Mid June (for all grades)
2024-2025 Supply List
Click here for the 2024-2025 Supply List
Please note this is a 2 page document, with the elementary supply lists on page one and the middle school supply lists on page two.
The Student and Parent Handbook is available to download here: SCS Handbook. Reading this handbook is part of the yearly registration process, please be sure to review with your student every year.
SCS has a uniform policy, which can be downloaded here: Uniform Policy.
Where can you get uniform clothes?
Uniform items can be bought at any store, as long as they adhere to the uniform policy. Stores such as Target, Old Navy or Children’s Place have a good selection.
SCS printed gear can be ordered from Land’s End, please see the instructions and link below on how to order. Always be sure to refer to the uniform policy when purchasing as items do not apply to all students.
The Parent Advisory Committee also periodically sells spirit wear, please check their website to see when they are available.
School attendance is critical for all grade levels and the first step to academic excellence is establishing good school attendance habits. Our goal is for students to have no more than 7 absences throughout the school year.
If your student is going to be absent, we ask that you send an email to secretary@sherwoodcharterschool.org with their name, grade, and reason why they are absent. If your student is absent due to an illness, please leave specific information regarding the type of illness or symptoms your student has. This information can be very helpful if we have an outbreak of a specific illness.
School hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00am to 3:30pm. Students are expected to arrive by 7:55 a.m., and are considered tardy if they arrive after 8:00 a.m. To arrive on time, please note that students are allowed in the main building as early as 7:40 a.m. All students wait in the sanctuary until 7:55 a.m., then are escorted by their teacher to the classroom to begin class promptly at 8:00 a.m. For safety reasons, any student not with their class when leaving the sanctuary must check in with the office for a hall pass.
Emergency Communications
In the event of emergencies, inclement weather, or urgent alerts Sherwood Charter School will utilize one or more of the following communication methods to provide information and updates to families and staff:
- Email: Please be sure to add office@sherwoodcharterschool.org to your contacts.
- School Website: All high-priority alerts will be posted to the home page of the website (look for an alert bar on the page).
- FlashAlert: We want to encourage all parents to sign up on www.flashalert.net to receive email, text message, or alert notification of school emergency closures. For inclement weather, we follow Sherwood School District decisions. For directions on how to sign up, please see below:
FlashAlert Instructions
FlashAlert is an Internet-based system for delivering changes in schedule (such as snow closures), and other news, to the news media. Message delivery has been extended directly to the public through FlashAlert Messenger. You may self-register and manage up to three home or office email and/or cell phone text message addresses and receive emergency information just minutes after we post it, at no cost to you.
To get started, go to www.FlashAlert.net and click on “Create/Manage Your Messenger Subscription.” From there, click on “Create New Account” and enter your information.
To add Sherwood Charter School’s subscription, Click on “Add a Subscription”, select the Portland/Vancouver/Salem region, then search for Sherwood Charter School. We encourage you to sign up for Sherwood School District alerts as well.
Download the FlashAlert Messenger app: the free iOS/Android app, FlashAlert Messenger lets you receive emergency messages through Push Notification. Push Notification travels a non-stop path from FlashAlert to the app on your phone. There are no per-message charges and PN also works on Wi-Fi only devices. And the app will allow you to see all of the recent news posted in your region.
The app process is simple. iOS and Android users download and open the free FlashAlert Messenger app. Enter the email address and password for your current FlashAlert account and the app will link to it. The app may ask permission to send you Push Notifications. That’s it. You will continue to make changes to your account (i.e. adding schools or orgs you want to hear from or changing an email address) the way you always have, at www.FlashAlertMessenger.net/login.html
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
Sherwood Charter School, in partnership with the Sherwood Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies, utilizes the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) for its emergency response procedure. The SRP provides school districts and law enforcement with a common language to define which responses will be used by a school or the District in the event of an emergency or safety issue. Additionally, the SRP terms and visual cues can be quickly understood and recognized by students, staff, and parents.
The SRP includes five different actions: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter. See details here.
Parent/Guardian-Student Reunification
In the event that we need to evacuate a campus and reunite students with their parents at an alternate site, we will follow a specific parent/guardian-student reunification procedure. Parents/guardians will be notified of the reunification location and instructions for picking up their child using Flash Alert and email.
When a parent/guardian arrives at the reunification site, they will need to present photo identification in order to pick up their child. Parents, guardians, and those listed as emergency contacts in our student information system are the only adults who will be allowed to pick-up a student. Our staff will remain with and care for all students until an authorized adult arrives to collect them.
Car line can be an intimidating process, but it doesn’t have to be! See the car line instructions and map here, which should answer all the questions you have. Keep in mind that our number one priority is keeping our students safe and you contribute to that by obeying all car line rules. Please remember, especially during the first couple weeks of school, to have patience during car line.
The enthusiasm our volunteers bring and the time they dedicate to make our school great is exceptional! In order for you to volunteer on campus, you will need to complete a background check. Please note: a new background check must be completed every school year and is necessary for any type of volunteering, including chaperoning field trips.
You can find all class websites on our Faculty and Staff page here. Click on the blue star under the teacher’s profile to go to the class website.
Each year a Family Directory is made available to current families. Only families who opt-in are included. The current year directory can be found using the “Catch Me Up” link on any past SCS Weekly. Once it opens, you can use Control+F to search for the Family Directory link. If you need assistance, please email the school office!
Synergy is our school student attendance and grade program. Parents are able to view their students’ progress online by logging on to their ParentVue account. If you’re new to Sherwood Charter School, or don’t know if you have an account set up, please email the office for an activation key and instructions.
To login to your ParentVue account, go to https://parent-sherwood.cascadetech.org/sherwood/Login_Parent_PXP.aspx.
Students should bring their lunch and snack from home as SCS does not have a hot lunch program. Please be sure to include enough food for a morning snack and lunch, as well as a water bottle they can keep with them during the day.
Many families have questions about how registration, enrollment and the lottery works at SCS, whether they have new students, siblings of current students, or returning students. Below is a summary of how registration and enrollment works:
For current students who are returning for the following school year: Current students are automatically enrolled in the following school year – there is not a lottery process or Pre-Application to complete for this to happen. The only form needed is the yearly Registration Form that is distributed by the office in late April/early May.
For prospective sibling students of currently enrolled students: If you have a current SCS student and have a sibling you would like to enroll for the next school year, you must fill out a Pre-Application form for the sibling to be included in the lottery for that grade. Current SCS families are encouraged to submit their Pre-Applications for siblings in either the Winter (if kindergarten) or Spring lotteries (all other grades) for the best chance of enrollment as siblings have priority in the lottery process.
See the Enrollment Page on our website for more detailed information.
SCS relies on the support of our families to help bridge the gap!
As a charter school, we only receive 80% of the state funding that goes to traditional schools. With a suggested (ideal) annual donation of $750 per student to the OneFund, your support makes a huge difference! Your tax deductible donation can be made directly to the school by cash, check or credit card and are accepted at the school office from anyone, at any time, in any amount. While not required for enrollment, these funds are necessary and essential in providing the learning environment that makes our school unique.
Check out some of the activities that you help fund:
Elective information: Middle school students at SCS have 2 elective periods each trimester. If you have a middle school student, please note that elective information will come directly from the Leadership Academy team. Any questions about this should be directed to the Leadership Academy team.
Houses: All middle school students are assigned to one of 5 houses: Hawks, Mountain Lions, Wolves, Bears, or Bobcats. Each house consists of 6th, 7th and 8th graders who meet once a day to work on projects such as team building, community service, and problem solving as well as participating in team competitions. At the end of each school year, current 5th grade students are sorted into their middle school house. New students are sorted before the beginning of the upcoming school year.
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of volunteers who work hard behind the scenes to help make our school great! Please check out who they are and what they do on their website, http://sherwoodcharterschoolpac.blogspot.com/.
SCS Healthy and Safe Schools Plan
As required by OAR 581-022-2223, Sherwood Charter School has developed a Healthy and Safe Schools Plan. Please use the links below to access the plan sections:
Oregon’s law, Senate Bill 856, mandates that students receive age-appropriate instruction to help them recognize and respond to unsafe situations, and to increase awareness of child sexual abuse.* You may have heard of this legislation under its more common name, Erin’s Law. Erin’s Law requires public schools to provide child sexual abuse prevention education four times a year for children in pre-kindergarten through high school.
One requirement of this law is that schools provide an age-appropriate curriculum to all students relating to sexual abuse prevention, which may include a variety of discussions, activities, videos, and practicing safety phrasing through scenario situations. The purpose of the lessons is to provide students, in a nurturing and caring environment, the tools needed for personal safety. Over the course of the school year, your student’s teacher(s), with school counseling support, will be presenting lessons to the class to meet the requirements of Erin’s Law. Parents/guardians should be available for further discussion with students at home.
*Please know that in accordance with OAR 581-022-1910, SCS will continue to allow parents/guardians to submit a written request to the school principal if they would like to “opt out” of specific learning activities. Please contact the office for information on this process.
Erin’s Law is named after childhood sexual assault survivor, author, speaker and activist Erin Merryn.
In 2012, Erin introduced the legislation in her home state of Illinois, requiring that all public schools implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program. The bill was named after her by the legislators, and it has caught on nationwide, adopted by 31 states and with legislation introduced in 18 states so far.
Oregon adopted Erin’s Law in June 2015.
SB 895 and OAR 335-050-0110 require schools to share immunization rates, both within the school and local area. Please see the rates below:
The public charter school prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability or perceived disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, veterans’ status or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability or perceived disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. For the complete policy click here.
Contact information for the school’s Title IX Coordinator:
Joy Raboli, Administrator
The materials used to train the school’s Title IX personnel can be found here. Additional relevant school policies are listed below:
Contact information for the school’s Civil Rights Coordinator:
Elise Iliscupidez, Humanities

2024-2025 Supply List
Click here for the 2024-2025 Supply List
Please note this is a 2 page document, with the elementary supply lists on page one and the middle school supply lists on page two.
Medical Authorization Form
If your student will have medication at school (including ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or antibiotic ointment), a medical authorization form must be on file in the office along with the medication. Students are not allowed to carry medication at school unless specific arrangements have been made in advance with the office. Complete page one of the form below and bring to the office with the medication:
2023-2024 School Year
For the 2023-2024 school year, the Oregon Department of Education requires a School Level Management Plan. See below for SCS’s:
School-Level Management Plan – Sherwood Charter School
Also required is a communicable disease management plan, SCS’s is included below: